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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:16 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood

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Here we go again. A BRW bust in Spain of 33 tons!
Here is the link to a Brazilian newspaper.,0.htm

It is bound to pop up in a newspaper in English sooner or later. Perhaps an online translator in the meantime.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:30 am 
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Sorry about the (machine) translation.

Of Madrid - THE Spanish police apprehended in this Tuesday 33 tons of Brazilian jacaranda smuggled. The loading left of the Bahia and of the Holy Spirit and would be traded by R$ 86 millions in the black market of musicals instruments making.

The illegal stuff already was practically sold. They were orders of Spanish companies that produce double basses of flamenco classic in the cities of Madrid and Granada.

Since 1992, the commerce of jacaranda is prohibited, according to the you CITE (Convention about the International Commerce of the Species Threatened of Extinction).

Second the Seprona (Service of Protection of the Nature, unit of the civil guard) Spanish, the Brazilian companies and Spanishes involved in the black market use documentation adulterated for pass for the customs of both countries.

Many times, the documents correspond the species that can be traded. Or the companies offer prices cheaply to the buyers that excuse the license of the you CITE.

In this apprehension, the permits indicated importing of pitomba and caviuna, that do not need certificates of the International Convention.

"The cargamento mixed the jacaranda with other species of similar appearance for complicate the inspections", affirmed the captain of the Seprona, Carlos Alonso. "By that, we did analyses of DNA for verify the origin."

Second to ONG environmental Greenpeace, the Spain imports yearly more of 800 thousand everybody smuggled wood cubic meters, and 80% of the total leave of Brazil.

In the black market, the super illegal stuff the R$ 700 millions, according to the ONG. The Greenpeace affirms even if the Spanish companies distribute the wood to others countries as Sweden, Finland or Chinese.

"We ask the inquiry on the part of the Seprona and of the Ibama of several companies that, we believe, use pairs invoices for trade the species", the responsible one of forest campaigns of the Greenpeace said Spain, Angel Soto.

In everybody, the flora protected species smuggling arrives to the OR$ 15 yearly, second billions an information of the European Union.

The jacaranda is typical of the Brazilian Atlantic coast, mainly of the humid forests of the south of the Bahia and north of the Espirito Holy.

The mahogany is another one of the Brazilian species more smuggled by the Spanish companies. Also it is in the list of him you CITE of flora protected under threat of extinction.

Second ONGs Spanish, all the wood of the walls and of the ground of the Museum Queen Sofia, of Madrid, Saints of jatoba Brazilian of illegal traffic. The advisory board of the museum said that does not answer this accusation. BBC Brazil - all of the rights reserved. It is prohibited all kinds of reproductions without authorization in writing of the BBC.

"Building guitars looks hard, but it's actually much harder than it looks." Tom Buck

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:31 am 
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Here is the story in English as taken from a notice that was posted in Spain by their Civil Guard...

The Civil Guard through the Service of Protection of the Nature has taken part more than 33 tons of wood pertaining to the species "Dalbergia Nigra" (Palosanto de Ri'o), which is including in Appendix I of protection of species threatened of extinction of the Agreement on the international trade of threatened species of wild flora and fauna (CHALLENGES).

The Operation "Wood" within the framework had its origin of the different services that the Command of the Civil Guard of Madrid maintains assets with the purpose of avoiding the possible contraband of species protected by the international treaties, and whose origin, in this case, is centered in the tropical zones of South America.

From 1992 the commerce of this arboreal species is prohibited, since given the extinction danger in which is the Palosanto de Ri'o, was including in Appendix I of the agreement CHALLENGES, enjoying the Maxima protection. The commerce, exhibition, buy or sale, is prohibited totally from the year arrives indicated.

At the moment for including the mentioned species in the Maxima international protection, one was stored an important amount of this wood in companies of elaboration of different effects, reason why a census of the same ones was elaborated in which the exact amount of raw material of Palosanto was included which they arranged, and that yes they could always commercialize accompanied of the corresponding certificate CHALLENGES.

The "Dalbergia Nigra", more well-known like Palosanto de Ri'o or Palisandro de Ri'o, is destined mainly for the elaboration of musical instruments of different type, emphasizing on all those of cord.

Within the framework of inspection that develops them the SEPRONA, could be found out the existence of numerous countable misalignments between the wood that declared to have or to commercialize certain lumber companies, and the existence declared and seated in its warehouses, reason why in December of 2,002 an important operation began in which it was tried to in the open put to the possible people in charge of the illicit introduction and traffic of "dalbergia nigra" in Spain.

The operative one has been developed in the provinces of Madrid, River basin, Granada and Valencia, where the Civil Guard has made inspection in 21 companies and establishments dedicated to the elaboration and sale of musical instruments, being the taken part total:

- More than 33 tons of Palosanto de Ri'o (dalbergia nigra).

- 2,168 games of bottom.

- 2,573 games of hoops for classic guitar.

- 983 cleaning rods.

- 2,625 bridges of guitar.

- 300 woods.

- 46 games of bandurria.

- 12 m3 of piecerA­o.

- 25 guitars.

In the development of the operation Wood they have been implied, until the moment, 6 people like presumed authors of a continued contraband crime and a crime relative to the protection of the flora and fauna, emphasizing as one of them had different participation in three companies incursas in the investigation

The investigating Agents have disarticulated with this operative one of the greater networks of import, elaboration and distribution of Palosanto de Ri'o.


The wood after leaving its place of origin in Brazil arrived at Spain, where three important companies dedicated to the lumber manufactures, received the shipment and distributed this one to their clients, some of settled down them in the provinces of Madrid, River basin, Granada and Valencia, as well as in third countries like the United States, Germany, Japan or Canada.

People in charge of these companies, presumably, supplied wood to price inferior to the one of market, whenever the buyer did not ask for the documentation CHALLENGES that its legality protected, being the very superior price if they asked for these authorizations.

The presumed people in charge of this plot, sent to their clients invoices in which they denominated to the Dalbergia Nigra with nomenclatures such to "Pitomba", "Caviuna", "Jacaranda", etc..., species these, that they do not require of those permissions when not being in extinction danger.

The inspected warehouses maintained the "wood protected" mixed with other species of similar appearance, for this way, to make difficult to their identification to the Inspectors and Agents of the SEPRONA, which has resorted to microscopic analyses and of DNA to confirm their nature.

In order to be able to quantify the wood that was stored and mixed with other species, thus to have the correct identification of the Palosanto de Ri'o, one has resorted to the most advanced analyses, counting for it with the collaboration of the Laboratory of Technology of the wood of the E.T.S. of Mount Engineers of the Polytechnical University of Madrid and the Laboratory of the collection of weaves and DNA of the National Museum of Natural Sciences.

Images of the operation to disposition of the means that wish it, for their request exist contact with the Office of Informative and Social Relations of the Main directorate of the Civil Guard, on telephone 91.514.60.10.

For more information, they can contact with the cabinet of press of the Command of the Civil Guard of Madrid.

The original in spanish also contains pictures of the seized wood at the bottom of the page a=1608

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:33 am 

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I am realy tempted to start boycotting the spanish dealers becouse of

No matter how much i like the wood i will not use it unless it can be
proved it is old stock.

And as much i enjoy some of the items the spanish dealers supply they
will keep importing the stuff as long as there is a market for it.

Its about time we put our obsesion with rio aside and stopped using the

Just my opinion i am sure there will be many other strong words on this


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:34 am 

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This is the second such bust in spain in recent years.


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:18 pm 
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[QUOTE=joelThompson] I am realy tempted to start boycotting the spanish dealers becouse of

You don't think we should find out which Spanish dealers are involved first?

Rian Gitar og Mandolin

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:04 pm 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood
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Wow ... wood has DNA!!! So those times when I've cut myself and left a drop of blood on the wood might be leading to the evolution of a whole new species!!!

Seriously though does this mean that you can identify the type of spruce from DNA so all of those debates over the wood used on old "killer" Martins could be resolved?

What do you thing that Games of Bottom are? There were an awful lot of those.

Dave White
De Faoite Stringed Instruments
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:08 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:41 am
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[QUOTE=Dave White]What do you thing that Games of Bottom are? There were an awful lot of those.

"juegos" in spanish can be translated as either "games" or "sets"


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:28 pm 
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
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[QUOTE=Dave White]

What do you thing that Games of Bottom are? There were an awful lot of those.


I think it's what they play in prison when one is busted for smuggling BRW and they are not named Bubba.......

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:38 am 

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[QUOTE=Arnt] [QUOTE=joelThompson] I am realy tempted to start boycotting the spanish dealers becouse of

You don't think we should find out which Spanish dealers are involved first?[/QUOTE]

Don't you think it more appropriate to boycott those companies and luthiers who knowingly use illegal woods? They drive the illegal market. Frankly, I think people who knowingly use illegal BRW and then profess high ethics in other parts of their lives are pathetic.

The Spanish distributors are pushers to the consumers, but unlike drug users consumers of illegal BRW can just say "no" without withdrawal symptoms.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:34 am 
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Simple solution; only buy from an OLF sponser

Say what you do, Do what you say.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:48 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood

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[QUOTE=Dave White]
What do you thing that Games of Bottom are? There were an awful lot of those.

Back sets.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:13 am 
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[QUOTE=Dave White] Wow ... wood has DNA!!! So those times when I've cut myself and left a drop of blood on the wood might be leading to the evolution of a whole new species!!!


Been done, Dave....check out BLOODWOOD!

Hank Mauel

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:32 am 

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[QUOTE=Dave Rickard] Simple solution; only buy from an OLF sponser[/QUOTE]

so the OLF check the entire stock of every supplier and ensure that they have CITES paperwork for every matchstich sized piece up?

just stop using endangered species.

YOU are driving the illegal market if you buy the legal stuff.

Would the crooks bother if no-one bought it?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 8:57 am 

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[QUOTE=joelThompson] I am not going to get into any names here but i
have dealt with spanish
dealers that have both offerd me illeagle Rio rosewood under the name of

And ptombo,

Bring on the edit button.


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:34 am 

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interestin thread on another forum about the bust in 2004.


It names some names that i have also been told about but i dont know
how accurate these claims are.

I find hard to belive the same the same people would be daft enough to
get busted again with the same amount as before but hey what do i

Brock or Lance Please remove this if it not exceptable forum behaviuor to
link to other forums


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:41 am 
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[QUOTE=martinedwards] [QUOTE=Dave Rickard] Simple solution; only buy from an OLF sponser[/QUOTE]

so the OLF check the entire stock of every supplier and ensure that they have CITES paperwork for every matchstich sized piece up?

just stop using endangered species.

YOU are driving the illegal market if you buy the legal stuff.

Would the crooks bother if no-one bought it?[/QUOTE]

Right you are

Say what you do, Do what you say.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:23 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood
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[QUOTE=martinedwards] [QUOTE=Dave Rickard] Simple solution; only buy from an OLF sponser[/QUOTE]

so the OLF check the entire stock of every supplier and ensure that they have CITES paperwork for every matchstich sized piece up?

just stop using endangered species.

YOU are driving the illegal market if you buy the legal stuff.

Would the crooks bother if no-one bought it?[/QUOTE]

No, they would instead slash and burn the trees to make room for a cattle ranch, and the ongoing pollution and resource waste associated with that use.

Howard Klepper

When all else fails, clean the shop.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:15 am 
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[QUOTE=Dave Rickard] Simple solution; only buy from an OLF sponser[/QUOTE]

Dave, it would be the height of naivete' to think that OLF sponsors are beyond being duped by charlatans that claim to sell legally obtained Brazilian rosewood. It can happen, and probably has happened. The sponsors here are all folks who try to do due diligence when purchasing wood that may be in question, but sometimes the paper trail is too convoluted to follow.

"I want to know what kind of pickups Vince Gill uses in his Tele, because if I had those, as good of a player as I am, I'm sure I could make it sound like that.
Only badly."

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:47 pm 

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[QUOTE=Don Williams] [QUOTE=Dave Rickard] Simple solution; only buy from an OLF sponser[/QUOTE]

Dave, it would be the height of naivete' to think that OLF sponsors are beyond being duped by charlatans that claim to sell legally obtained Brazilian rosewood. It can happen, and probably has happened. The sponsors here are all folks who try to do due diligence when purchasing wood that may be in question, but sometimes the paper trail is too convoluted to follow. [/QUOTE]

Don, it's not about being duped by a "false paper trail". Any wood seller at any experience level can certainly tell the difference between legal and illegal BRW for crying out loud. Any consumer buying on eBay certainly knows the difference also. To claim or think any particular group is above it is just nuts and contrary to greed which drives the illegal BRW trade.

There are three legs to the illegal BRW crime ring....the cutter/poacher, the first level buyer and finally the consumer. Remove the end consumer an the other two die!!!

Anyone knowingly buying illegal BRW is no better than a criminal buying fresh killed ivory.

Sorry for the rant, but I for one am sick of the professed purity.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:54 pm 

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I always wondered about the BRW that appears on ebay what proof do we have that it all legal? If you purchase it and any documentation they send you still doesn't prove anything. That can be faked too. So thats why I stay away from any saless on there.

Guitars, guitars and more guitars.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:55 am 

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most of the brw on ebay is 100% illeagle.

its one of the easiest ways of getting the stuff to the end user straight
from brazil.
very rarely will customs bother with one guitar sets worth of illeagle wood
and the dealers know this.

Larry i 100% agree with you poeple have the atitude of "oh well its only
one set the trees allready been cut down we may as well use it".
this the attitude that drives the trade.

it only takes 100 people to buy three or four sets a year to encourege the
criminals and i think we all know that the trade is much much bigger than

the only way to be completly concience free is to not buy,sell or even use
the stuff.
but the fact is that this wood is the most popuar guitar wood in the world
with good reason.
its a dream to work with (when its good) and it looks beutyfull.
as for its tonal quality,s i think there are many viable alternatives out
there that rival its qulity,s.

there fore the only other way to ease your concionce is to either buy
genuine old stock from a reputable dealer.
or to buy reclaimed stumpwood from a reputable source such as luthiers

you should be safe with dealers such as this as they wont risk there reps
buy buying illeagle wood.
but thats not to say that even the most enviorentaly conciouse dealers
wont have some small amount of illeagle wood slip into there invontery.

there will allways be a demand for rio from the end users but it is our
responsability to inform our customers of ethics involved with using the
wood and to offer alternatives.

i feel so strongly about this that i will now take rio off my own online
invontary even though all my stock is old stock.

lecture over,


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:43 am 

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I believe that LMI actually stopped selling BRW a while ago for the very reason that even they could not determine its legality. Martin (to their credit) will noy buy any wood unless it has proper credentials and even their supplier in Spain was raided a few years ago.

Personally I want to have my guitars be about excellent craftsmanship, and design (of course sound....) as opposed to relying on the last scraps of rare wood.

BTW I've sent you a PM


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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:37 am 
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I personally made a choice to avoid using it. A friend of mine was looking for a BRW fretboard and I did buy a piece of stock that I knew to be pre-ban(mostely cracked overpriced junk, but one piece was just big enough)for him.

I figure as long as people use an endangered species, the market is created. Remove the market and you remove the illegal cutting. I understand there are still going to be issue with clear cutting and burning to clear land for other purposes, I have no control over that, but I wish it didn't happen. If I was to say well it would be cut or burned anyway so I might as well use it, I am building demand which will lead to more cutting.

I don't have customers who ask for BRW as I am not building for a living. I do not promote BRW if I am chatting with friends looking for guitars, and I figure this is another way of limiting demand for BRW. I also try to avoid compairing every wood that is somewhat like BRW, to BRW (that "almost as good as thing"). It also promotes that sense that these woods are not worthy, I prefer to just look at them for what they are.

Not building for a living makes it pretty easy for me to avoid using BRW completely. I figure anything I can do to ease the pressure on people who do make a living building, is the least I can do.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:31 am 
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
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I won't buy BRW from a questionable source and to date I have only purchased from OLF sponsors who have had the wood a while and will assure me that it is pre-ban wood.  Does this ensure that it is indeed pre-ban wood - no but I trust my sponsors here enough to be satisfied with what they tell me.

I also will continue to purchase, legal, pre-ban BRW when I wish and when the economics and quality of the wood make it attractive to do so.

I am a very green guy, not that I have to prove anything to anyone, a fan of Uncle Al Gore and financial supporter as well AND I have met and spoken with him also.

My home is very energy efficient, I drive high mileage cars, I think people who harm the rain forests should be made to watch Operah for  4 years, 24/7.....

A number of people, including some sponsors such as Allied, have a considerable investment in legal, pre-ban BRW.  I believe that Steve at Colonial qualifies here as well.  It is not fair to them to just proclaim that no one should purchase this incredible wood.  It is also not fair to me and others who appreciate BRW to dictate what we may or may not do with our fully legal stashes.......

As for the poachers - they can drink paddy water and I am all for prosecuting them to the full extent of the law, someone's law anyway.......

For several years now I have seen these BRW threads spring up here on the OLF and they ALWAYS end in hostilities......  This has been a very tough week end for us all because of other threads.  If this thread does continue please people let's be good to each other?


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